The Good Samaritan : Illustration  

Posted by Aj

As i was researching and looking around to get a deeper insight into the style i wanted to have in the animation i came across a group called "rethinkgroup". They focus on helping kids and students by holding seminars which help improve daily life. They are a christian group that focus on helping people have a better quality of life via their ministry. I saw a poster that was created for one of the seminars which was based on the moral from the parable 'The good samaritan'. Which talked to people about how they can use the same principles used thousand's of years ago, in today's modern life and help others in need.

I really loved this illustration and the style being used in this poster, i think the colours and tones really suit the whole story and scenery. I am  looking to form a style based on this poster for my animation. I am still not sure if i should give the parable a modern twist or  to portray it as it was originally said.

This entry was posted on Monday, 7 February 2011 at Monday, February 07, 2011 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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