When I watched this movie for the first time in class, at first I found it profoundly hard to understand the story with the lack of sound. This was my very first time for watch a movie of this type, at the beginning I found it quite boring and dull. However as the story progressed i began to grasp the story and gain a better understanding of the characters in the movie. I have to say that the actors expressions were fantastic, as they were compensating for the lack of sound through there expressions. Which in no way would have been easy, so i have to hand it to the actors on their talent.
Towards the end I was well immersed into the characters and the main storyline, i have say even thought I wasn't one of my favourite the movie was very unique and interesting to watch. Once again the cameras and scenes used into the movies were create for its time. Even though I would never watch a silent movie this particular one was very fascinating to me.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, 11 November 2009
at Wednesday, November 11, 2009
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